
How Do I Download An Sql Database

What is backend? How does information technology piece of work?

The visual part of a website, what the user sees when he visits it is known as the frontend and the interaction that the user has with the website is handled by backend. Backend is essentially a engineering science that supports the frontend of a website. Information technology offers interactivity with the data stored in the database and offers the users a wholesome experience.

Backend development is a combination of server-side programming languages namely Python, Java, Red, PHP etc. and logic-based evolution which connects, fetches and alters data in the database according to the interplay between the user and the website. Backend development deals with the overall performance and the speed of the website. It continuously runs calls back and forth, retrieving and pushing data from and into the schema.

What is a database? Why is it important for web evolution?

Before understanding what a database is, nosotros need to empathize what exactly data is. Data is a collection of objects ranging from plain simple facts to complex images which provide usa with necessary data well-nigh a item entity. A database is an organised and structured collection of this data and a database direction system (DBMS) is a tool which manages, organises and interacts with the databases.

There are several dissimilar types of database direction systems. Four major types are – Navigational DBMS, Relational DBMS, SQL DBMS and Object-Oriented DBMS. The scope of this blog is to deal with SQL Data Base Management Systems simply to sympathize that, a little introduction of Relational DBMS is necessary.

Relational DBMS is essentially a database management organization wherein data is stored in the course of relations. On the other mitt, SQL DBMS utilises Structured Query Language (SQL) to perform operations like insert, search, update and delete. It helps in optimising and maintaining the data within the database.

Web technologies are advancing fast. While yous are wondering what 'web applications' are, developers accept started to transition to 'progressive spider web applications.' Well-nigh every web application on the web requires a database. A shopping awarding requires a database to interact with the products and the customers.

A dynamic web awarding such as a news awarding or a weblog requires instant and frequent updating of web pages. For such an awarding, altering and creating a new HTML page is a boring task. This is where a database comes into the picture and eases a developer's life.

Not only retrieval and updating of data, but a database also helps in hallmark which is observed in websites having a login and signup functionality. Such websites display customised web pages based on the logged in user. Databases tin be a real boon to a web developer if used correctly.

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Dissimilar types of databases which use SQL

  1. PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL is a relational database management arrangement which is open source and has been used by developers since a really long time. It has several features which add to the performance of a website. PostgreSQL offers bones to advanced features which makes it a pretty versatile tool.

Popular companies which utilise PostgreSQL – Apple, Skype, Instagram, NASA, Twitch, Spotify, IMDb, Reddit etc.

  • MySQL

MySQL has been ranked as the most popular relational database in existence. It is open-source, extremely like shooting fish in a barrel to use and has been widely accepted by several companies and websites. MySQL is besides the first database management system most developers come across. If you are beginner, this is a good DBMS to kickoff with.

Popular companies which use MySQL – Uber, Airbnb, Pinterest, Netflix, Amazon, Twitter, Shopify etc.

  • SQLite

SQLite is not exactly a database management system but is a database engine which provides local data storage services for a big number of applications and devices. SQLite is preferred for embedded devices and devices which utilize the concepts of the cyberspace of things. It is likewise used on desktops every bit an on-deejay file format. If you have a small-scale or a medium scaled website, SQLite will be your saviour.

Popular companies which use SQLite – Career Club, Net Brands Inc., Airgas, Hyatt Hotels Corporation, SAS etc.

  • Oracle

Oracle Database is a paid service but is a high-performing and widely available database management organization. It is piece of cake to utilize and offers multiple functionalities to brand the developer's and the user's task easier. Information technology is an SQL based database direction system. Nevertheless, the syntax differs a picayune from the other database management systems.

Popular companies which apply Oracle Database – JPMorgan Chase, Fiserv, Lockheed Martin, Webster Bank etc.

Why should one prefer an SQL database?

Databases which utilise SQL are relational databases. Such databases have a strictly defined schema which cannot alter for specific tuples (entries/entities/rows). Information technology is fairly piece of cake to connect to and think information from unlike tables. NoSQL databases have a huge drawback of duplicity of information. This means that if you have to connect one entry to another, carve up infinite and try would be required. Nonetheless, in SQL databases, connections tin can exist made using 'joins' and 'keys' which makes the task a lot easier.

SQL databases are preferred for situations where the schema has to remain unchanged for a large duration of time.  Information technology is as well preferred when y'all crave data integrity, data durability, data isolation, information consistency and data atomicity. In brusque, it tin exist remembered as 'when your requirement is ACIDic, utilise SQL database'. Which means, when y'all require Atomicity (meaning, you want your request to either exist fulfilled completely or not fulfilled at all), Consistency (pregnant, all the data in your database should be in accordance with the rules defined in the schema), Isolation (meaning, no two requests overlap each other) and Durability (pregnant, a asking stays on permanently even if the system fails), SQL database is an excellent choice.

Cases where an SQL database is not preferred

NoSQL databases do non have a well-defined schema which makes it flexible. Information technology means, if yous have an application which volition crave a database that has the functionality of altering the schema based on the entity, then NoSQL databases like MongoDB, DynamoDB etc. are preferred.

NoSQL databases are preferred when speed is a priority, they can admission and recollect large volumes of data within a short amount of time. The zilch values are handled really well in a NoSQL DBMS. In an SQL based database management arrangement, updating 1 aspect might take a calendar month to execute if the dataset is humongous, however in a NoSQL database, that can be done within no time and hence becomes cost-effective both in terms of coin and computational power, and programmer friendly since information technology saves a lot of time and effort.


Often developers come across a situation where they are unable to decide which database to prefer, SQL or NoSQL. This is when research about your data and how it volition exist used on your platform comes into flick. Empathize what your application is trying to do and what all features and functionalities do you want to provide to the users.

For analytical, logical and applications requiring loftier levels of integrity, prefer SQL database management systems. And if your main focus is speed, functioning or handling of a large amount of data, y'all should go for NoSQL database management systems.

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Past Pooja Gera


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